Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The second article, Teaching for Historical Lieteracy, had and interesting quote teaching a mile wide and an inch deep.  This is something I feel is common in most History and Social Studies classes.  In viewing a typical text it may cover hundreds of years,  various cultures, and events that occured throughout this time.  If a class just reads through the book, this can become extremely boring, with nothing being retained. 

The article talked about information becoming knowledge.  Many history classes are spent memorizing dates, terms, and events.  This does not allow students to learn or relate to experiences during that time.  Instead of cramming hundreds of years into hundreds of hours, have the students understand and get them thinking about what is beign taught through their own experiences, ideas, and writings.

Activity 1

I have always found the discussion of right brain vs left brain learning an interesting topic.  I feel a typical classroom is made up of strong right brain learners, left brainers, and a variety of students in between.
With such a varied group in one setting, it is difficult to create an atmosphere where all students can learn at their highest potential. 

I was under the assumption that I have always been a dominant right brained learner  Math and sciences were my better subjects.  Noise never hindered my ability to learn.  Music in the background actually helped me focus.  I was never big on organization, lists,  or sequential order.  After taking the test I was 51% right to 49% left.  This result was nothing I expected. 

Maybe over time I have adjusted.  The old ball and chain (look for the blog profile with the really good looking husband) seems to be more orderly, uses lists, and tends to focus on one task at a time.  Being exposed to this may have had a direct effect on the result.  We tend to look at things completely different but both adapt in our ways of doing things.

As a teacher I feel it is best to expose students to all types of learning.  This will allow both sides of the brain to develop and improve in the areas that are weak.  Although I may never create my own list or work in complete order, I can at least follow one created for me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I can't figure out why the blog this will not let me upload a photo.......keeps giving me an internal error.